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New Diablo Cake Offer

Am I a sugar free Guru???

At Sweetswithout I sell sugar free sweets and chocolate.  I also believe that these products are good to eat, can be a real part of a balanced diet that can help to reduce our overall sugar consumption.  For people with diabetes these products can be a real help in satisfying a desire for a sweet treat. However, although I do have a degree in biochemistry from The University of Coventry  and am familiar with the underlying concepts, I would hesitate to give anyone dietary advice or claim to be an expert in nutrition and I would certainly not describe myself as a Guru! 

So why are there so many items in the press and other media press featuring a celebrity following some bizarre diet or a nutritionist, who has no formal qualification and is not registered with the Association for Nutrition, recommending some restricted diet (low carb, gluten free, Paleo etc)? All too often these stories about "nutritionists" or celebrities are linked to promotions for books, videos or commercial food ranges and so are thinly disguised advertisements. Sometimes the advice is misleading.  You may like using honey but replacing sugar with honey in a recipe does not make it sugar free! (that's where my knowledge of biochemistry is useful)

These celebrities and nutritionists are not qualified like a Dietitian who will have a vocational degree or postgraduate degree. I find it a bit strange that although we expect our
children to be taught by a qualified teacher, we will take dietary advice from some one  with no qualifications. 

Most of us know what we need in a healthy diet although we may need some help to stick to it. If you are looking for dietary advice, particularly for children or if you have particular concerns about your health, always check the qualifications of the person advising you.  Best of all, check with your doctor who can direct you to the best source of adviice. 

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