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Sugar free sweets for summer
Sweets for Music Festivals and Holidays
At last the weather is definitely Summery! It's a good time to think about what sweets you should take with you when you are out and about. We all like to have some sweets on hand whether we are off to a music festival, on holiday or just on a day trip to the seaside. It's a given that they must taste great but there are also practicalities to be taken into account. The packaging needs to be a convenient size and the sweets must to be protected from the hazards of sand, sea and mud!

For fruit sweets have a look at the Simpkins range. These fruity favourites come in cute round tins that are slim and compact enough to fit in any pocket or bag.
On a long journey it is always handy to have some sweets in the glovebox of the car. We now stock the classic Simpkins travel sweets (of course they are sugar free) in their round drum shaped tin.
Finnish Stevia Licorice
No, it's not a spelling mistake, that is how it is spelt on the packet.
Liquorice seems to be one of those words that is spelt in different ways around the world.
As long as it tastes good I don't mind, and this sweet is a great soft liquorice with a nice balanced taste
Liquorice seems to be one of those words that is spelt in different ways around the world.
As long as it tastes good I don't mind, and this sweet is a great soft liquorice with a nice balanced taste
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